Carnegiea gigantea, Giant Saguaro

Southwest Desert Flora

Home to the plants of the Sonoran, Chihuahuan and Mojave Deserts

Cirsium ochrocentrum, Yellowspine Thistle

Gilmania luteola, Goldencarpet

Gilmania luteola, GoldencarpetGilmania luteola, GoldencarpetGilmania luteola, Goldencarpet

Scientific Name: Gilmania luteola
Common Name: Goldencarpet
Also Called: Golden-carpet Gilmania
Family: Polygonaceae, Buckwheat Family
Synonyms: (Phyllogonum luteolum)
Status: Native to California.
Duration: Annual
Size: Up to 6" or so by 8" wide, more or less.
Growth Form: Forb/herb; decumbent; glabrous or sparsely hairy.
Leaves: Green; basal and cauline in whorls or 3; leaf shape spathulate, up to ⅓" wide attached to a ¾" petiole.
Flower Color: Greenish-yellow; inflorescence, terminal, cyme-like; flowers 3 to 9, sepals and petals collectively referred to as a perianth; fruit an achene.
Flowering Season: February to May
Elevation: 30 to 1,500 feet.

Habitat Preferences: Alkaline barrens, slopes and flats, Chenopodiaceae scrub communities.

Recorded Range: Gilmania luteola is very rare in the United States where it's entire distribution is limited Death Valley National Park, Inyo, County, southeast California.

North America & US County Distribution Map for Gilmania luteola.

U.S. Weed Information: No information available.
Invasive/Noxious Weed Information: No information available.
Wetland Indicator: No information available.

Threatened/Endangered Information: Gilmania luteola is a species of conservation concern in California. [State Rank: S2: Imperiled; Global Rank: G2: Imperiled.]

Genus Information: Gilmania is limited in distribution to southeastern California in Inyo County. This is a monotypic genus with 1 taxa. USDA has 1 species in Gilmania with 1 accepted taxa overall. The Plant List shows 1 genus for Gilmania as Phyllogonum luteolum, a synonym of Gilmania luteola.

Comments: Gilmania luteola is very rare in the United States where it is known from fewer than twenty occurrences in Death Valley National Monument and Park.

Date Profile Completed: 06/08/2016, updated format 10/01/2017
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service on-line database and USGS ITIS search - (accessed 06/05/2016)
CNPS; California Native Plant Society; Rare and Endangered Plant Inventory. (accessed 06/05/2016).
James L. Reveal & Thomas J. Rosatti 2016. Gilmania luteola, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora,, accessed on June 08, 2016.
Craig C. Freeman, James L. Reveal, FNA| Family List | FNA Vol. 5 | Polygonaceae | Gilmania 1. Gilmania luteola (Coville) Coville, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 26: 210. 1936. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+. Flora of North America North of Mexico. 16+ vols. New York and Oxford.
Wikipedia contributors, 'Gilmania', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 7 May 2015, 15:30 UTC, [accessed 8 June 2016]
The Plant List (2013). Version 1.1. Published on the Internet; (accessed 06/08/2016).
SEINet for synonyms, scientific names, recorded geographic locations and general information 06/08/2016).